Imagine being in a room of people who play and connect with love, speak their truth, meet their and your vulnerabilities with curiosity and an open heart!
allow you to listen with purpose, speak from your heart, play full out, slow down and explore more of yourself
Self-leadership and leadership training
A fun way to connect with like-minded others
A chance to explore interpersonal edges and grow
Interpersonal meditation: a collective spiritual practice
Honor Self, Our Edge, Our Boundaries
Honor Others & Return to Connection
Own Your Own Experience
Be Open to Not Knowing and Play to Your Edge

"Vulnerable courageous connection is the new norm"
This means that we're in this for more than games; we want to learn and practice and apply these skills in our relationships! We strive ...
to open hearts and minds to new possibilities
to love ourselves fully and ask for what we want
to care for each other's nervous systems
to take risks in relationships, then return to connection
to teach ourselves first and then share with others

"Cy is a very warm soul and that emanates when you are with him. Cy joined our group on a trek to Chandrashila in Uttarakhand, India and he brought a vast amount of knowledge which opened my perspective on life. I will not forget what Cy taught me and I hope our paths cross in the future." - Ankit Sing Panwar - Mountain Escape
"I attended an authentic relating event in Boulder with Cy in February. Cy's presence is warm, inviting, dynamic, and vast. It feels like a fluid ocean of unconditional love that meets and welcomes whatever is there. His presence is a mirror in which one can access the most exquisite reflection of Self. I am deeply grateful to Cy for his presence, and for the inner journey that brought him
here." - Molly Kate Brown, author of Learning to Walk in India: A Love Story
“Cy work as an authentic relator has informed and transformed my experience as a person-centred therapist. I believe his ability to expand his client’s awareness through his methods of listening with purpose whilst honouring boundaries has a place in a therapists personal development whilst also informing client work.
I have worked with Cy on a weekly basis for a year. From my initial meeting with Cy, I was instantly fascinated and intrigued by the power of his relating. He makes communication interesting, dynamic, and fun. As I work with Cy my layers of protection and resistance are gently challenged. Through this process I have become more engaged and appreciative of other people as well as myself.
Authentic relating helps me navigate new depths of connection in personal and professional relationships. At all times throughout the learning process, I have felt valued held and safe.
I can best describe the experience as an awakening. A feeling of being given wings to fly. As a result, I like and value myself more and my self-belief has grown. The impact on my relationships has been phenomenal as I connect with techniques to appreciate discover understand and respect others more fully. Communication is now addictive and intoxicating.
Cy and his techniques truly are infectious. Cy is a true creative making a powerful impact on the world. Pushing boundaries and challenging individuals in ways that will keep you coming back for more.” - Catherine Taylor - Essex UK